Ember Page 2
Other witches stayed in my apartment building on my street, so all my neighbors casted spells, and the feel of magic was often felt in the area. There were witches of all levels, and one with covens. It was very safe in this neighborhood.
I grabbed the wine called Lover’s Spell, one that contained roses and apples, trying to put healing into my life. My wine was spelled to help me heal and get me somewhat drunk.
I deserved a break after waiting tables a lot. I had saved up in case I needed it for emergencies.
After getting my glass, I sat on the couch, relaxing and turning on the television. TV while drinking wine was heaven. I took a sip of the delicious drink, and it was like heaven. Not better than sex of course, but pretty good.
Nothing was better than relaxing, but the loneliness was beginning to set in. Being alone was good at times, but there was nothing like coming home to the love of your life and relaxing with them. I also dreamt about a particular guy. And he was everything I wanted in my dream. Dark hair, dark eyes, and tattoos. And he came into the restaurant, and I served him a drink. He was my type! And I hoped he got home fine, unless he was still there drinking away. I didn’t blame him if he was. Heartbreak was a bitch. A really big one, capable of making someone a drunk for the rest of their life. It physically hurt to have it. And some people were so heartless that they hurt someone and didn’t even care how bad it felt. I let the tears fall again since I just wanted to get it out. It sucked it had to end. I was perfectly happy, then all this shit happened to me. Now I was a wreck.
I wore something nice but not too nice. I changed out of my uniform and took a long ass bath to feel warmth again. I even lit healing candles since I needed to destress and heal. I didn’t need to go anywhere, but the day was catching up to me. It was only 6:00 p.m. here. Time just seemed to drag when you had nothing to do and no one to spend time with. It sucked to be alone and feel like no one wanted you.
I had time to really unwind. I even begged Rockie to give me some time since I needed it. The break up and the loss of my mom was a grief like no other. I needed this time to myself to come up with a plan.
I was hidden from the witches thanks to a strong concealment spell. But it had a time limit, and it had lasted for a while so far. The wine was kicking in some, and I was sitting there watching TV, feeling sorry for myself and crying, when a crash got my attention. And there I was trying to enjoy my damn night, drinking myself to sleep. Let’s see what is going on. I caught a glimpse of red hair. I didn’t think. Instead, I grabbed a backpack with my book and ran out of there as fast as I could. Time to forget about the ex bullshit, since I was back to running for my life. There I was looking forward to drinking and watching TV until I passed out. My time off and something just had to go wrong. I was on red alert; it was time to think about survival instead of my aching heart. Fuck heartbreak right now. It wouldn’t do me any good if I was dead.
Chapter 2
My red hair streamed around my face, and my emerald eyes darted around to look for signs I would see their red hair and ugly faces again. My lungs burned, and my chest heaved with every breath. I ran down the empty street, my heartbreak temporarily forgotten, and held my backpack up higher. The weight of the book urged me to keep it safe. I could feel the power in those yellowed pages. It was heady and telling me to run.
I wasn’t as powerful since I left my coven. A witch got the height of her power from her coven, and when I left, it broke my ties to it. I missed it, since it meant I was safe. I needed a hiding place somewhere to lay low. I couldn’t keep running forever. It wasn’t possible. Thank god I’m on vacation. Only now I had to fear for my life again, and I was definitely tired of running away from them. The bad parts were closer downtown where the high level creatures roamed--some I wouldn’t want near me in a dark alley. They were that deadly. A good way to commit suicide if I wanted, but something told me to push on anyway.
Something dark slithered near, as if in response to my fear. It came into my peripheral vision, and as the charcoal, black reptile came closer, I breathed a sigh of relief as he slithered near the buildings. Knox. Thank god, since he has been keeping me safe as my guardian. Witches like me got a dragon since I was part of the Fire Dragon coven. I at least got to keep him, since he is going with me no matter what. Dragons were fiercely loyal.
The dragon leapt as I stumbled to a halt, landing in front of me. Thankfully, I didn’t run into him at all. I was a klutz though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I had.
“Help,” I breathed, glancing back. The street was empty, but I knew it was only a matter of time before the witches caught up to me. Again, since the spell of concealment wore off. I also had no idea how they were even finding me after all this time.
Knox regarded me with his golden eyes before breathing out gently. Then his whole body shifted, black mist enveloping his entire being before shrinking into the shape of a car, a man with slit eyes sitting in the driver’s seat.
I jumped in, drawing the seatbelt across my body.
“Rockie’s Blood,” Knox said, and I nodded, too winded to get a word out. I couldn’t keep running like this, since eventually I would stop or worse. I’d have to confront them eventually.
I kept checking the rear-view mirror as we drove away, but I didn’t catch a glimpse of the witches again. Thankfully.
I sighed, finally relaxing into the seat. I pulled the book out from my backpack, staring at it as it sat on my lap. My mother’s Book of Shadows. That’s what the witches were after. I traced the gold lettering on its cover, my thoughts ultimately drifting to memories of my mother. We shared the same fiery red hair and emerald eyes, and she’d raised me all by herself after my father left us. We belonged to the same coven, and we spent a lot of our time together before the witches killed her, leaving me to run for my life. My power made it glow and come to life. I opened it, searching. Instead, I saw something I never saw before when I opened its yellowed pages. The spell to call the power of the AngelWitch and start a coven. It had never said that before. Ever.
It’d been full of some spells but not others. It changed with the coven. This was new.
My eyes widened. “Wow it’s never done this before.”
He smiled. “You’ll see why soon. There is something your mom forgot to tell you before she was killed. You will finally know all about your true power.”
I didn’t want to think about that last night.
My mind kept replaying those events over and over again like a bad horror movie that was set to repeat. It became difficult as the memories came flooding back. That day was especially horrible since Mom and I were just sitting there enjoying the weather and dinner. The three bitches burst through the door, and Ivy said, “Saline, we have taken over your coven. Time to surrender your daughter and give up.” A nasty smile spread over her face.
Mom looked at her and glared. “Never. Over my dead body.” She readied her power and they battled it out. I sat there and watched in horror as they fought to the death for the spot as the leader. Ivy was better, and Mom mouthed, “Run.” Before taking her last breath. Thankfully, Knox was there, and we ran. For the first time.
I shuddered at the memory, snapping back to reality just as Knox said, “Ember?”
I looked at him.
He gave me a small smile. “I said, what happened?”
I rolled my eyes. “They found me again since they want the book, as usual. And my ass dead. It has the power to call dragons and turn the coven all powerful. My concealment spell wore off. Or maybe it wasn’t good enough. They also said something about me being the one to help win the battle with the good.”
His eyebrows rose. “Didn’t anyone tell you? You are one, and they went after your mom to take you and make you one of them.”
My mouth dropped. “No, no one told me at all. I thought I was just a witch with a dragon since all of our members have one.”
He smiled. “Well, they should have told you, since you are the fire witch. They need a coven to
stop the good people from winning, and evil will reign unchecked. And you will help the witches in the upcoming battle. Mom is a witch and Dad is an archangel. A rare breed indeed, since once you have your coven you will be even more powerful than they are with the power to torch places.”
“Okay, news to me. I knew there was something going on with the way she took over the coven. I’m never going back, and I need to find the AngelWitch leader and join the witch coven. Only then will I be more powerful.” I relaxed as we made our way to the bar. I was trying not to freak out or panic since that was the last thing I needed on top of dealing with a failed relationship. I now had a bigger destiny then being a waitress. I was an AngelWitch with the power of both worlds. A destiny that would save the world from evil, so I couldn’t let the bad witches win at all.
“You will do fine, and there is someone there that will help you the rest of the way. You are in good hands now. I’ll leave you with someone safe and track the witches to make sure I can throw them off your energy. It will give you time to meet the contact and get away, I hope.”
“Thanks for watching out for me, and I’ll trust you,” I said.
“Well, they are horrible, and they have been getting very close lately. I hate to say it, but the spell wouldn’t have worked against a tracker either. They have people who track AngelWitches and report it to the people who want you the most. Your ex is actually one, and he was finding more to use like you and give to the witches. Never be jealous to see him with someone else since he will treat them the same way he did you.”
My eyes widened. With that information, I had a reason to hate him even more than the slut he left me for. I no longer felt sorry for her, since she didn’t realize how much bad news he was. Although, I did after he treated me that way. I no longer felt anything. Finally, nothing, which suited me because I didn’t want to feel anything at the moment. The streets passed by outside the car window, bringing with it a new perspective. I was no longer controlled by my ex. He no longer had any sway over anything I did. No accusing me of shit I didn’t do. Yet, he signed up for dating apps when we were dating and even made out with a random girl behind my back. The trust issues, always questioning me if it wasn’t to his liking. I was free. Whatever happens at last, I was free of him.
“He was there a lot with his flings. That is great. He is a terrible person in every way and not even good in bed. He was watching me for someone who wanted to kill me, and keep an eye on me like a controlling asshole,” I said.
He gave me a look of sympathy and said, “Yes, and the girls are all just flings. He will never settle with someone with an attitude like his. I even spied on him. He said he could get anyone he wanted, that his ex was better, and that he didn’t like being stuck with you.”
I shook my head. “Okay, and I doubt he could replace me as easily as he said.”
“He can’t, and he knows it, but he is a Tracker so those girls are probably potentials anyway, and it means he is giving them to someone. Human trafficking at its finest, and trust and commitment issues up the ass. Unfortunately, trackers attract AngelWitches due to pheromones in their skin. Not your fault, and it upped the ante with him being a blood sucker. He was even deadlier than the normal tracker. A false illusion is easily created by them. They get you hooked, take everything you control, and then destroy who you are in the process,” he said.
I left it at that since it hurt me more knowing I was someone he needed to keep track of and not date. Nothing to him but a mark. He was an asshole. Dead to me.
I know the owner, Rockie pretty well since he is the one who helped me get back on my feet after everyone turned against me. He helped me set up a place, and gave me a job. And the night I ran, the witches burned my mom’s shop that we both ran together. My mom and I owned a shop to help people get spells and take potions to help them with their needs. Left me with nothing but ashes. If I was in trouble, I know who to turn to. I needed his help now since I was sure he could do something. If not, then I needed another plan. I also needed to wait since he was in meetings a lot. Or maybe I could get out of this myself.
Of course, at this point no one was behind me.
I sigh, starting to relax even more now that I was safe. For now, anyway. I hurled a spell at the witches to block them from coming after me. Of course, there is a time limit. The majority of spells have time limits on them.
It’s all because of the powerful Book of Shadows I have. I look at it while Knox is driving. It’s powerful.
I put it back in the bag for safe keeping and put it on my lap. It was the only thing I had to remember my mom. I even put her picture on the inside of the book.
I got this book when I was little, and then my mom taught me how to use it. The first spell I learned was to conceal myself to make sure no one saw me. The car had soft leather which actually felt good and made me relax further. It smelled like a forest since he needed a woodsy scent to remind him of home. Calm. But the roaring and crackling of a fire was my feeling of home. I breathed it. It called to me like a lost lover itching to be set free from the bonds of torment. And found a home to belong to.
I lived in Luxor, and it was a place for supernatural creatures to live in and not worry over human interference. It was created so we could all live away from the people who wanted to destroy us. It was my home and those around me comma too. I wished it was safer, and that things were back to the way they were supposed to be before the witches attacked. Before they killed my mom and fucked up my life with a tracker. A time when she was alive and smiling. The memories of her being alive were a good fantasy. Reality was a bitch, so I would be the one to get them back for what they did. My fire power burned now. My eyes started to glow red, so I calmed myself down to try to think clearer.
We arrived at Rockie’s Blood, and I got out of the car alone. Knox disappeared since he didn’t want to be seen--some people have no idea dragons existed. I made my way inside the place and opened the door. Thankfully, I wasn’t not dressed too badly. I was in clothes that made me look pretty.
The bar was packed, but not too much. The place had a protective spell on it. It was a safe place. There was a different feel to it. I felt something different like an awareness I’d never felt before. I had no idea where or who it was coming from, but it was familiar. I wasn’t worried.
I sat down on an empty barstool in front of the bar, browsing the drinks. I had to come up with a plan, too.
“What are you doing all alone here this time? I thought you were off,” a voice asked and it was familiar, too. Him. I knew it was him the moment I heard him. I was connected to him in some way.
I turned my head at the person interrupting my thoughts, and once I met his sexy chocolate eyes, I froze. The guy I served the drink to. He was the one in my dreams. With his short hair spiked and tousled like he just got out of bed. He was sexy wearing his black shirt that looked like silk, and it was short sleeved. He had a dragon tattoo as well, and he was in tight leather black pants. He sat next to me, so close I could tell he was wearing my favorite cologne. My heart was beating fast, my palms were sweaty, and I could feel electricity between us. I loved it. It was so intense I didn’t know what to call it. I'd never felt that before, not even my ex could make me feel that way. No one could make me feel that strongly except him. Damn. Thoughts of everything vanished as I met his eyes head on, and suddenly, I couldn’t talk. I was just that enamored.
“I am here to enjoy a drink. This time it’s my turn since I got off here, and realized I have nothing better to do. It has been a day, so I figured I would start my vacation off at a bar,” I said.
I couldn’t exactly say I was running for my life, could I? He was gorgeous, and he gave off a vibe that said deadly and intoxicating. There was something that was different about him. I ran a hand through my hair, hoping I didn’t look like hell. There was something different about him though. Thank god I wore something nice. I would have been embarrassed otherwise.
“Oh, well, in that case, it�
�s on me. You look like you need one anyway, and my turn to treat, since you made me the best drink of my entire life. It’s the least I could do, since we are in the same boat,” he said. There was a touch of sadness there. Like he was still reeling and building himself up slowly, one piece at a time, like me.
At least he drank the one I gave him, and by the looks of the empty glasses, he was on his fourth. The guy waved over the bartender. It was one of the ones I didn’t work with, so it was fine. I didn’t feel like explaining to anyone my deal right now or who was chasing me. Rockie knew, and he was probably in the office taking care of stuff. They knew I was a witch. I wondered why he still stayed here, but I was grateful for the company. He even looked more sober than earlier, even though he had drank more than half of his body weight in alcohol.
“Please get me a drink for the lady,” he said, holding up his glass and taking another sip, drinking his issues away like I wanted to, and not dealing with anything. I didn’t blame him either. A bar was my safe place.
“Thanks, I did need it since it’s been a day and a long ass shift. I saw my ex with someone else too, and it was hard. She was ugly, and it sucked seeing him kiss and feel up another girl. I was trying to enjoy my vacation, and a bar was the place to get lost over my break up issues. I needed this time off,” I said, telling him the truth. I was sober, anyway, since the little bit of wine was out of my system. I didn’t get to enjoy my night like I wanted to. My plan was to cry and drink myself silly. A good plan for the weekend, which it didn’t include running for my life. At least there was alcohol to help. It helped you numb yourself even if it was temporary.